Please pray for God’s redeeming love and grace and that all God’s promises to my heart and his will for me come to pass. Pray for faith, for faith for healing, that God be Healer and that the door on this sickness be closed forever. Pray for victory and authority in Christ over this sickness and that it be completely cast out forever in Jesus name. Pray I would worship God in the power of the Holy Spirit from a place of victory and that complete healing by faith would result in Jesus name. Pray my heart would completely reject and rebuke all judgment and condemnation and accept only God’s Truth by faith in Jesus name. Pray God be glorified and his kingdom come in Jesus name. Pray for springtime of soul and restoration of youth. Pray for times of refreshing, renewing and rejoicing. Pray God’s will be done with every part of my body, in the spiritual and in the physical. Pray strongholds be torn down and mountains moved. Pray God heal our land. Pray for strength and dignity and to be the head and not the tail, a lender and not a borrower. Pray also God open the door to the work he has for me and that his will be done in my heart, work, finances, ministry, relationships and living situation. Pray for deliverance and breakthrough in all areas, especially in regard to physical healing from an illness I have been suffering from in Jesus name.