Prayer Wall

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! If you are sharing information for a friend or family member, please make sure you have received their blessing to share this information online. We want to be good stewards of the information shared with us and respect personal boundaries. Please give only pertinent information. We strongly encourage not using a person's last name and encourage relational roles when possible. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Also, please do not use names when sharing other people's medical information as this Prayer Wall is public and we want to love others well while preserving their privacy. Note: Please do not include emojis in your request, or it may not post properly.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


The Lord says in Thessalonians 3:3

"But the Lord is faithful, & He will strengthen you & protect you from the evil one." Please be in agreement w me that he will protect my beloved Gene from all evil influences at his workplace that is filled with constant strife, retaliation, hostility, gossip, jealousy, & perversion.

Received: February 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Please pray for my wife Linda Snyder, she has stage four cancer in her lungs, small intestines and liver, let the good lord touch her and heal her of this cancer, In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


For the relationship between Tracey and myself to be restored

Received: December 2, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


God, please heal my broken places, and grant salvation for my dear ex husband Jeff & our children. Please bring us into a godly marriage and restore this mess.

Received: July 10, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Please pray for God’s will to be done regarding my health and body. Pray to be healthy and that his will be done regarding diet, exercise and body image. Pray all obstacles to God’s will be removed. Pray for freedom and to be enabled by the Holy Spirit to be victorious in this area.

Received: June 18, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Theo Nemeth

Good evening, Church. I need the Church staff to please pray that the Lord gives me a sign on where exactly my stolen Mini DV Tapes collection is at. Those Tapes have a lot of sentimental values that can highly be compared to a photo album and I will be emotionally crushed if I do not recover them. I ask for this website staff to please pray that I recover these sentimental values in whichever way possible. Thank you in advance.

Received: May 23, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Daniel Spears

We are desperately seeking your fervent prayers...asking for God’s will to speedily deliver us from this long and on-going financial hardship...

Please pray that our Heavenly Father would provide us an open door for a breakthrough and much needed miracle..

We are trusting Jehova-Jireh and claiming all of his promises over our lives!

May God receive all the glory, honor, and praise!!

Prayerfully yours,

Daniel & Charlene

Received: April 8, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Bethany Culp

Please pray for victory and blessings for my mother. Pray against the locust and devourer. Pray for abundant financial, health, and spiritual blessings and that God be glorified. Pray God’s will be done regarding her house and living situation and that God restore everything the enemy has stolen.

Received: March 15, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Please pray for God’s redeeming love and grace and that all God’s promises to my heart and his will for me come to pass. Pray for faith, for faith for healing, that God be Healer and that the door on this sickness be closed forever. Pray for victory and authority in Christ over this sickness and that it be completely cast out forever in Jesus name. Pray I would worship God in the power of the Holy Spirit from a place of victory and that complete healing by faith would result in Jesus name. Pray my heart would completely reject and rebuke all judgment and condemnation and accept only God’s Truth by faith in Jesus name. Pray God be glorified and his kingdom come in Jesus name. Pray for springtime of soul and restoration of youth. Pray for times of refreshing, renewing and rejoicing. Pray God’s will be done with every part of my body, in the spiritual and in the physical. Pray strongholds be torn down and mountains moved. Pray God heal our land. Pray for strength and dignity and to be the head and not the tail, a lender and not a borrower. Pray also God open the door to the work he has for me and that his will be done in my heart, work, finances, ministry, relationships and living situation. Pray for deliverance and breakthrough in all areas, especially in regard to physical healing from an illness I have been suffering from in Jesus name.

Received: March 1, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Brendan Barnard

Please pray that the Love of God reigns within me and my family

Received: October 20, 2021

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